
I'm not sure what to write this year. As fortunate as I know we are, at times it felt like we made it through by the skin of our teeth. Worse still, not everyone we love made it with us.

My world got a lot smaller, for more reasons than one. I put down my phone and plowed through a few books for the first time in longer than I ought. I also baked through a couple hundred pounds of flour and spent countless hours hiking with Zu up the mountain behind our house. I didn't quite even the caloric score, but the effort was therapeutic.

No one will be surprised to hear that my years of premature dad jokes prepared me well for the real thing. The days are sometimes long, but the months are already slipping by far too quickly.

Whether you're near or far, we send our love,

- john+kacie, june and wally

kim and zu

Kimberly Magnussen Gravois (1960-2020)

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